Attention on Prevention
The Attention on Prevention podcast brings in guests to talk about the prevention of child and infant maltreatment as well as delve into other parenting issues. We'll bring in families of victims of abuse and victims themselves to discuss their stories, world experts in various medical fields to discuss current research and past experiences as well as other guests with legal and prevention backgrounds. We invite you to take the time to listen and learn about how we can keep our babies safe from harm. Let's focus our attention on prevention. Brought to you by the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Podcasting since 2021 • 17 episodes
Attention on Prevention
Latest Episodes
Ep 17 - Christine Baker - Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome on a State-Wide Level in Washington State
This final episode of our 8-part April Child Abuse Prevention series brings us a conversation with Christine Baker, program coordinator for Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Child Protection Advocacy and Outreach Program.Christine tells us t...

Ep 16 - JoAnn Otten - Grandmother of Victim of SBS/AHT Fights for Law that Brings Public Child Abuse Regsitry to Utah
JoAnn Otten is our guest in this 7th of 8 episodes of our special April Child Abuse Prevention series giving our listeners firsthand experiences into Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) cases. JoAnn Otten is the grandmother of Miley, who was shaken by h...

Ep 15 - Michelle Fishpaw - Raising a Survivor of Shaken Baby Syndrome to Adulthood and Independence
In the 6th episode of our 8-part April Child Abuse Prevention series giving you first-hand perspectives into Shaken Baby Syndrome cases we introduce you to Michelle Fishpaw, mother of Claire who was shaken by her childcare provider when she was...

Ep 14 - Greg Williams - Reagan's Rescue, A Grandfather Negotiates the Grief Process after Losing First Granddaughter to SBS/AHT
You’ll meet Greg Williams in Episode 14 of the NCSBS' Attention on Prevention #podcast and the 5th episode in our 8-part April Child Abuse Prevention series diving deep into #ShakenBabySyndrome (SBS). Greg is the grandfather of Reagan, who was ...

Ep 13 - Leigh Bishop, Former Queens Assistant District Attorney - Litigating Abusive Head Trauma Cases
This is the 4th episode of our 8-part April Child Abuse Prevention series providing access into Shaken Baby Syndrome cases from first-hand experiences. In this episode, we talk with Leigh Bishop, the former Assistant District Attorney and the C...